Friday, December 22, 2017

Arayas Normal Economy 1.1 [1.31.xx]

If you cheat in this game there is no fun anymore. What's the point of having millions from day 1? (except for testing).

So, i present to you a ...Normal Economy Mod. Not super, not REAL, not anything than normal. "REAL" it's not applying in this game because the costs of a real transport company are more than : gas, repairs or whatever it is in this game.

I know, "OMG another economy mod?!" Yes, but let me tell you what you will get with this:
- the bank is there to help you grow or start a business. You can have a 50.000, 100.000, 250.000, 1.000.000 as a loan but not in a first day. You have to prove something before you can get 1 mil!
Be careful, the return time limit and interest rates are pretty tight, the daily payments are hard to cover and for this you will need to produce money. Sounds familiar?
-a little reduction of damage data but in normal amount so you will need to drive carefully to avoid money loss.
- a normal garage it's 70.000 and an upgrade it's 30.000. This are normal prices for purchased propriety or for construction of a new wing. In real life this it's related to position, city, country etc. but in the game itself we have just one price. So this is an average.
- the refund by selling a truck is 75% of the nominal value of that truck (35% in vanilla and that's funny). A well kept truck costs 35% of his value after 10 years of service maybe, not after 30 days.
-You can buy a truck online at any time, even your first one. It's stupid to link online shopping with driving experience.
-The average speed of a delivery it's slightly increased so you can not mumbling around with the cargo atached, the delivery time limit it's shorter.
-the revenue for a delivery it's more natural and this with increased bank payments will lead to a harder developement of your business, like it should be. How come vanilla pays 120.000 for a delivery? For that amount of money i will buy a truck and go deliver myself! It's stupid!
-your drivers will make money much harder and the profit will grow with experience only.
-the fines are tuned for more natural flow of the game, important mistakes costs higher. The amount it's relative from country to country in real world, so this is an average.
-you have to prove yourself in first 5 deliveries, after that you can go to the bank for a loan.

It's a mod maded by me for years because it's not fun to be a millionaire in 30 (game) days.
 If you want a normal ride, use this. If you want a easy one, go find cheats or use vanilla.

Put this above any map file. To test if it's working (placed corectly) try to see the dealer trucks in ONLINE mode.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

ATS Arayas AI Superlights 1.6 SOFT VERSION [1.29.xx]

The same as in ETS2, it's a remake of my Superlights mod with warm colours for street light and toned down power for them. Also, a quick improvement of the flare of the AI traffic, now visible from far distance.

See the short video i made, and download from

ATS Arayas Supertraffic 1.2 [1.29.xx]

No need to describe it even further, see the post before that in ETS2 similar mod. The only difference is that ATS vanilla game it's spawning even less cars than ETS.

So my mod was reworked from scratch. It works? See the video on youtube!

Remember, this video or my testing are with

<<uset g_traffic "1">>  (this value is DEFAULT)

If you want more and if you want pain increase that with a number between 1-10. How to do that, see below, it's exactly the same like in ETS.

You have 2 files in COMBO pack, extreme version and standard version. Standard it's way better than vanilla game but you will have air to breathe. USE ONLY ONE.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Arayas Supertraffic 1.2 [1.30.xx]

Pretty often in the past i was finding myself running to find "traffic" mods because vanilla ETS2 map spawned a few cars in the game.

In time i just realized that all the mods are just Placebo pills.
The game has a simple policy about the number of cars in the game, just one file for spawning vehicles by the hour and type of road and the multiplier known as  <<uset g_traffic "1">>  (this value is DEFAULT). THAT'S IT!
Of course, many mods have tones of files in it but they are doing more damage than to affect traffic.
They are editing files needed by other map mods or other car, country mod and the final result is crashing the game.
Use a simple mod for spawning diversity (by the rush hours of the day and by the type of the road) with a little boost on allowed number of spawned cars and adjust yourself the DENSITY.

 Arayas Supertraffic 1.2 [1.30.xx] does the first part. The second it's up to you.

Open your config.cfg file from MyDocuments\Euro Truck Simulator 2 with notepad and add a value between 1 and 10 to      uset g_traffic "1".
Where 1 it's normal traffic situation with no high car density
10 it's "get me out of here!!!" traffic situation with high car density.
For example i play with  uset g_traffic "7".

If that line it's not there just add it to the end of all codes.
Now, about my mod.
I divided the day in parts with different car density. Rush Hour between 7-9 and 16-18, normal density the rest of the day, reduced traffic between 22-0 and night traffic with bigger density for trucks. I increased the number of alowed car to be spawned because if the number it's to small your
trick with  uset g_traffic "10" wont produce some massive effect. If the spawn limit it's 1 for a specific vehicle, by applying uset g_traffic "10" you got 10. Big, but not so big number after all.
In vanilla game the uset g_traffic "1" produce empty highways and streets.
With my mod and uset g_traffic "1" i was able to get this:

If apply both, the mod and the uset g_traffic "x" trick, you gonna have the exact game situation you want to have. Use other file-stuffed mod and in the end your game or other mods will crash.

You like traffic jams? The extreme edition it's for you.See the photos above.
<<<  put above any map mod file >>>

And next we go to a much normal traffic in this section: THE STANDARD EDITION but much more traffic than vanilla game.

Arayas SuperZoom (for big maps)

This is a simple mod to increase the size of the MAP so you can see the whole thing
mostly designed for Promzona, RusMap, RK Steppe or Russian Open Spaces or even with YKS Turkey.

The zooming it's bigger than similar files from online enviroment.
No need to say, the background of the map it's not gonna fit, but the only good zoom i've seen it's in vanilla game and thats all.

IMPORTANT! The mod needs to be above any GPS or map mod.


Friday, December 15, 2017

Arayas Superlights 1.6 -10.05.2018 update

Real lights for AI traffic. New blinker lights, positional, brake, low beams. Now you can feel like in real life night situation. Updated 10.05.2018

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Arayas Police ON [ETS2 1.30.xx]

A simple mod to make the vanilla police cars to ride with the beacon ON.


ATS Arayas Virtual Mirrors

This mod replace the ugly virtual mirrors from ETS2.
I have two versions, normal and small, but if you want different size just write me on my blog or in the forum.
Use only one package!
This works perfectly with my NO MIRROR MOD.

ATS Arayas NO Mirrors Mod [1.29.xx]

Well it's not realistic but in real life the field of view from your driving seat it's much bigger.
In ATS you can't see nothing in your side window because your mirror it's blocking your view.
With this mod you can make side mirrors invisible from the inside of the cabin
but not from outside.
A picture replace 1000 words, see the photos.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Arayas Superlights 1.5.1 ETS2 soft street lights version

 This is the same as previous except street lights where the colours and the power are not that strong like before. Enjoy.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

ATS Arayas AI Superlights 1.5.1 [1.29.xx]

This a port of my mod for ETS2 for ATS.
It's not just a port because for ATS i have done a rework of the whole mod, for AI cars and for the street lights.
For newcomers,
what this mod do?

Real car lights for AI cars. No more 1m headlight for AI and no road reflection of light, like a walking spot. I dont have to tell you more just see the pictures. Feed back it's expected.

DOWNLOAD  ATS Arayas AI Superlights 1.5.1 [1.29.xx]

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Arayas AI Superlights1.5.1 final[1.30.xx]

Probably i dont have to work on this one, it's how i intended to be.
Look for yourself.

NOTE: for some reson street lights have an orange colour under Promods 2.25. I'm keeping in touch with Promods team to find what caused this, the problem it's in their yard. 
NOTE 2: i've got an answer for Promods:
"MandelSoft wrote:
11 Dec 2017 10:22
This is because ProMods uses its own set of streetlights, with colours that reflect colours as they are in real life. Most of these lights are orange from SOX-bulbs, but if you look closely, there are also deep orange lights and three shades of white lights (cool, neutral and warm). "
 After this reply they stop any dialog, because they are very important and sensitive people.To put this in another way: "if you want to use our map, you gonna eat the shit we give you"
 Well, let me show you what i mean:

 This is the point i'm droping Promods map and the support for this map is no longer provided.

Change log for 1.5.1 FINAL
 -Reworked ALL street lights adding diversity and better recreation off modern lights.
- Few minor tweaks for headlights
-Intensive test to eliminate every interference between game files.
Change log for 1.5
-Fixed high beam for all trucks (user or AI)  IMPORTANT!!
-Removed the red-yellow tint of street lights from the game,
the colours have now a real colour.
-minor fixies.

This mod have two versions:
1. with vanilla xenon highbeam lights (to bright for my taste)
2. with normal NO-Blue xenon highbeam lights (my favorite)

 Arayas AI Superlights1.5.1 final[1.30.xx]

Check the pictures for final result.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

A short review

In this video you can see some of my mods at work.

Superlights 1.5 no xenon, Loading screens, Virtual mirrors, SuperTraffic flow.

All of them are posted here, and some of them ONLY here.

Watch the link in full screen for detailes.

Arayas Loading Screen [ETS2 1.30.xx]

The vanilla game loading screens are boring and ugly?
Some mod has changed your loading screens with some ugly ones?
It's time to change something.
This mod add HD loading screens to your game in normal game, eurotunnel and ferry.
It's not some copy-paste solution, every screen it's different.
More than that, save a game and then look at your save list. Surprise!

Maybe in the future i will upload an "over 18" version. 😚
 You can download here
 Arayas Loading Screen [ETS2 1.30.xx]

Place this mod over the one with annoying loading screens, or anywhere if you dont have that problem.

For a sample, look at my Youtube channel or later here.

Arayas AI Superlights 1.5 [1.30.xx]

Change log for 1.5
-Fixed high beam for all trucks (user or AI)  IMPORTANT!!
-Removed the red-yellow tint of street lights from the game
the colours have now a real colour.
-minor fixies.

Probably i dont have to work on this one, it's how i intended to be.
Look for yourself.

This mod have two versions:
1. with vanilla xenon highbeam lights (to bright for my taste)

Arayas AI Superlights 1.5 [1.30.xx]

2. with normal NO-Blue xenon highbeam lights (my favorite)

Arayas AI Superlights 1.5 NO XENON[1.30.xx]

Arayas Unlocked Engines [ETS2 1.30.xx]

The title explain it all :
you dont need any experience to buy an upgraded engine for your truck
you just need money. Because at the shop the guy there is not asking you
"Well, how much experience do you have?"
No, he tells you : "show me the money!"

Arayas Unlocked Engines [ETS2 1.30.xx]

Arayas Virtual Mirrors [ETS2 1.30.xx]

This mod replace the ugly virtual mirrors from ETS2.
I have two versions, normal and small, but if you want different size just write me on my blog or in the forum.

This works perfectly with my NO MIRROR MOD.


Arayas Virtual Mirrors normal size [ETS2 1.30.xx]

Arayas Virtual Mirrors small size [ETS2 1.30.xx]

Arayas Mod No Mirrors [1.30.xx]

Well it's not realistic but in real life the field of view from your driving seat it's much bigger.
In ETS you can't see nothing in your side window because your mirror it's blocking your view.
With this mod you can make side mirrors invisible from the inside of the cabin
but not from outside.
A picture replace 1000 words, see the photos.


 Arayas Mod No Mirrors [1.30.xx] 

Arayas SuperTraffic 1.0 [1.30.xx]

Diversified AI traffic based on the important hours of the day.

This is the first mod for ETS2 1.30 to do that
because all the previous spawn traffic mods for
previous versions are OBSOLETE.
This mod will be tested further more and future
versions will be released.
and you will understand why you dont need 3 versions of this mod, like low, normal and traffic jam.
You can adjust that on your own.

Best driving during the day and night with diversified density !!

- new traffic files from 1.30.xx vanilla game;
- no log errors
-tested in 1.30.xx version with Italia DLC, but not needed.

-semaphores are off between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m.
-rush our at 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. for cars and buses, not for trucks
-less traffic in the night for cars and buses, higher for trucks.
-less traffic in the cities for trucks during the day and even less during the night
-less traffic in the cities for buses except rush hour time and even less during the night
-less police

Arayas SuperTraffic 1.0 [1.30.xx]  

and all this with a 70k mod!
Feedback is expected.

Works in every map, truck or car or trailer mod.
Priority high, above any map.

OPEN Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\config.cfg with notepad or other text editor and look for
the line

uset g_traffic "X" where X is from 1-10.

This is the best way to increse the value for your traffic in the game without any mod. You dont need a mod for that!
1 is the lowest value and the traffic is very sparse.
10 is the maximum and this is the way to get your beloved traffic jams (seen in my videos from AI Superlights mod)
My mod doesnt interfere with this value, my mod simply realocate existing density by the hour of the day.

Arayas AI Superlights 1.4 [1.30.xx]

This is the mod to add REAL lights to AI cars.
I'm not talking about some bright spots more visible in the night, i am talking about REAL light in front of the AI car like in real life.

More than that i added:
-side trailer lights and difused light (no more black in the mirrors)
-light in front of AI cars for 100m
-brighter stop, blinker, brake and semaphore lights in night time, normal in day time
-real object reflection of that light -better reverse light and more...
Tested with 1.30 Italy DLC + PROMODS 2.25 + RusMap 1.7.5, works probably with all versions any map and any car pack (like Jazzycat or TDU), any trailer pack.
Mod must be above any map and any car/trailer pack to have effect.

Change log for 1.4
-fixed blue highbeam and the angle of light
(altering AI files seems to have an impact in truck standard lights)
-fixed some street lights (pure white colour gives to much brightness)
-added an yellow and orange colour on some street lamps.

Change Log for 1.3 FINAL VERSION - not anymore
-reduced reverse light power
-reduced light strenght for blinkers, position and brake lights
-angle reajustement, power and direction of headlights, a step closer to reality.
FINAL VERSION, but feedback and sugestions are accepted.

Arayas AI Superlights 1.4 [1.30.xx]

Anyway the vanilla trucks have a tint of blue in their xenon or led high beam. If you dont like that use this mod:
Arayas AI Superlights 1.4 [1.30.xx] NO BLUE XENON